September 13, 2022

Gardening with Allergies – Frankie Flower’s Allergy Confession….

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Gardening with Allergies – Frankie Flower’s Allergy Confession….

*This post is in partnership with REACTINE®, and I have been compensated for my involvement. All opinions are my own.

Gardening with allergies? It can be done! I’m living proof – I’m allergic to grass (and cats), but have you ever seen me sneeze on BT? I’ve learned a few tips to manage my allergies while enjoying one of my favourite activities. Don’t let those allergies keep you from your gardens! 

My goal has always been to get more people growing plants and veggies (not just because my family owns Bradford Greenhouses, but because I believe in the power of plants). I’m excited to say that gardening is one of the growing trends of 2022! When the pandemic hit and forced us to pause many people discovered the joy of growing plants indoors and out. 

The benefits of gardening go far beyond beautifying your property! It’s also good for your health. All that raking, digging, mowing, weeding, and watering helps keep you active and out in the fresh air and sunshine. 

Being around plants can also boost your mood because digging in the dirt causes our bodies to release serotonin (the happy hormone). And, if you venture into vegetables, you can also grow fresh, delicious food right in your backyard! 

Gardening with Allergies – How to Stop Sneezing & Smell the Roses 

As Canada’s Garden Expert, I can’t hide away from allergy season! I spend a lot of time around lawns and gardens – so I’ve learned a few tricks about gardening with allergies. 

Wash away the allergens. 

When you’ve been outside in the gardens, pollen, grass, and other allergens can take a ride inside your house on your clothing. To minimize your exposure, change clothes as soon as you head inside, shower, and wash your hair to remove allergens. 

Replace the wood mulch.

Use non-wood or leaf-based mulches like gravel, oyster shells or rubber mulch around plants which will help the soil retain moisture but limit the development of moulds.

Pass off the mowing. 

My allergy confession? I don’t mow my lawn! I can take Reactine and cut the grass but passing it off to someone else allows me to spend more time in the gardens (which is where I love to be!). Sometimes prioritizing your favourite tasks just makes sense. If you only have a few hours to spend outside gardening, why not spend it doing what you love? 

Keep allergens outside. 

Jobs like mowing the grass or raking leaves shake up allergens and release them into the air. Keep your windows closed during (and for a few hours afterward) to keep allergens from blowing inside the house. 

Time it right! 

Plan to be in the garden at the best possible time to reduce your exposure to allergens. Follow my allergy forecast to find out when pollen counts are lowest. Avoid gardening and mowing on windy days when pollen and other allergens are in the air. And wait until mid-morning when your garden has had a chance to dry out a bit. 

Find your allergy medication. 

Reactine has made all the difference for me! Taking Reactine regularly makes it possible for me to garden with allergies. 

There’s no need to give up gardening because your allergies are acting up. Don’t let grass and pollen call the shots. With a few modifications and Reactine in your back pocket, you’ll be gardening sneeze-free in no time! 

If your allergies are driving you mad this season, tweet me @frankferragine and use the #AllergyFeels #SufferNoMore hashtags!!


Order your allergy assistant HERE!